

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

i just want to be thin!

thinspo quote:
only YOU can make this happen!

daay twenty!
hello ladies :) 
-- today's fast is going great! i've haven't eaten a single thing! plus drank more water than yesterday. the only thing i hate is when i'm not eating and drinking water makes me really really cold. i am freezing right now! oh well, tomorrow will be better. tomorrow i will not eat either, or the next day. i am going to see how long i can last. cause as todays quote says 'only YOU can make this happen'. i've got to be thin for when i go home on spring break. i'll probably not fast on spring break. i was talking to my mom on the phone today and she said she would buy me whatever food i wanted when i was home. i'll probably get some healthy stuff but some treats too.
-- i miss new guy. i know i saw him on monday but that seems like it was so long ago. i'm seeing him on friday. it's not too long. new guy got into four bands! four! i am kind of jealous, not going to lie. i hope we still have time to do things together. i honestly don't think i can go any more than a week without seeing him. 
we are going to an italian resturant for valentines day. pasta is my all time favourite food. i hate that it's so bad for you! but i promised myself to only get pasta if i fast and eat really good this week. i can't mess up. valentines day is my treat. i can do this. i keep picturing that yummy pasta and how good its going to be, but i have to work for it. 
also, new guy wants me to bring a dress to his house on friday night. ugh. i look so fat in dresses. they don't look good on me. he said he would do anything if i we had sex in a dress.
the anything that came into my mind was food. if he bought me food i would do it. i was going to ask him if he would, but i don't really need that food. fuck! i can't believe i thought of food out of everything. its the one thing i can't have. that's why i want it. but i've gotta stay in control :) 
good luck ladies! 
stay strong, and think thin
-- J 

thinspiration time!

Annie - thanks! remember tomorrow is a new day! hopefully you did better today! :) 

M - hope you did good on your fasting! :) if not, we can always start again. keep trying! we'll be thin soon! :) 

Anafly - new guy is amazing-- he proves there are actually nice guys out there. thank you! 

Kirrari sings - yeah, when you are sick you don't want to eat anything , and you purge as well! making you lose so much weight, as much as i hate being sick,  sometimes i love it.
Thanks so much! we all have good days and bad days. i guess it's part of life. 


  1. I wish i culd fast :( but with the watchful eye of brother, mother, 3 best friends, and even my best friend's parents, i hav NO chance without being caught. sigh. Oh well.
    Anyway, great thinspo, made me jelous as it always duz.


    ps, plz follow my blog?

  2. Hey, thanks for following me. Following you right back!

  3. just becareful fasting hun listen to ur body take it form the girl witht he chest pains and heart issues from fasting
    but yay for new guy

  4. Hi gorgeous.. this may be pathetic, but please check in my thinspoblog!
