

Saturday, January 22, 2011

i feel so fat...

thinspo quote:
do not give up for what you want most, for what you want at the moment 

daaaay three
good morning girls!  i hope your saturday is going better than mine.
i ate today. i slept at B's room last night. terrible sleep. she blasted music all night. god i am so glad she isn't my roommate. while i was wide awake i kept thinking about food and what i was going to eat for breakfast this morning. i really wanted a breakfast sandwich at the time (its two english muffins with egg cheese and bacon in the middle) but, food is bad for you, if you wanna be thin. the original plan was just to eat a piece a fruit in the fridge in my room, but since i stayed a B's room we went down to the caf this morning, however, i didn't get a breakfast sandwich...i ate half a hard boiled egg, half a banana, and a cheese slice. i picked up M some cookies because he's still in the hospital (has brain damage) and i watched B eat her breakfast sandwich and toast--talk about will power!
but, i still feel fat! i know it was healthy and i got all the food groups in but it was soo much food. i felt sick after eating and thought about purging except i can't. in my residence my wing shares a bathroom and everyone would hear me.
i gotta run though, i'm off to visit M at the hospital and then hopefully later today hit the gym!
best of luck ladies.
remember bones are beautiful.
here's some thinspo for all of you:


  1. hey u did good consideringa ll the food in college campuses
    wish m all the best and to get better soon

  2. thank you! and yes, there is sooo much food in college campuses...i guess that means i have to try extra harder :)
    stay strong, best of luck!
